About Us

We are EnergyInHuman.

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So, where did it all start?

Strap in, sit back, and put your feet up – I’m going to take you on the journey of how EnergyInHuman was born.

We (Jannis and Andreas) met online at the beginning of 2023. (Thanks to Aiman for the connection at this point. ♥︎)
We both wanted more from life and to work from anywhere. We also wanted to do something we were really passionate about. In a call, we talked a lot about people’s energy and decided without further ado to start a blog. We quickly came up with the name EnergyInHuman.

Since then, EnergyInHuman has been our brand that specializes in sharing hand-picked inspiration, ranging from fashion styles to relationship tips. Our goal is to provide expert advice and keep you up to date on the latest trends. From modern hairstyles to dark feminine energy topics, our goal is to be your comprehensive source of inspiration and guide you through every step of your life.

Jannis is now an absolute expert in the field of social media, especially Pinterest. Andreas has worked a lot on SEO and regularly exchanges ideas with experts, coaches, models, and authors on the topics of women and men.

We are also now in the fortunate position of being able to help other people successfully set up and run a blog. Special thanks to Elisa and Max, we still have a lot planned here.

So, if you are interested in this short story about EnergyInHuman, please write to us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Faces behind EnergInHuman

Hi, I’m Jannis
I am responsible for our Social Media and mainly into the topics which are interesting the things between men and women. 

I’m here to support you at any time! So if you got any questions, hit me up!

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About Us

Hi, I’m Andreas
I am creating the articles and the design of our website. 

If you have any questions or need further guidance beyond our articles, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to support you at any time!

I’ve always been interested in masculinity, femininity, relationships, and everything that has to do with it. For me it’s fascinating how these two different concepts can come together to create something so beautiful and complex.

When I was 27 years old, I started this blog, together with Jannis, to share his thoughts and ideas on these topics. I wanted to create a space where people could come to learn more about masculinity and femininity, and how they can work together to create healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Our blog quickly became popular, and we soon found ourselves with a large following of readers. We were so excited to be able to share our thoughts with so many people, and we loved hearing from our readers about how our blog was helping them to understand themselves and their relationships better.

Our blog has evolved and changed, just as me and Jannis have changed. I’ve learned a lot about myself and about the world, and I’ve shared that knowledge with our readers. I’ve also had the opportunity to get to know some amazing people, including psychologists, sociologists, relationship and dating experts.

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have this platform to share my thoughts and ideas. Furthermore, I hope that our blog can help people to understand themselves and their relationships better, and to build stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

We hope you find all the information you were looking for on our site, if not feel free to contact us:

If you’ve reached this point, we truly appreciate your time in discovering the origins and intentions behind EnergyInHuman.

Thank you for exploring and following our journey. 

Jannis & Andreas